Maria Viszoczki - Marketing professional

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Main » 2011 » August » 09

"We have our customers. They signed our contract. The rest is up to them. They can deal with Support on a case to case basis.”

This kind of mentality may appall you, but it is sadly all too common among B2B organizations. At first glance, an online community may seem like a lame ploy to add a unique branded B2B social media aspect to your website, but it’s actually the best thing to come to Support since online chat! Basically, a B2B online community consists of a collection of people online sharing knowledge and perspectives with one another. This not only builds customer service and success, but boosts brand loyalty and awareness to a new level of respect.

Why having an online community is an essential component of a successful revenue engine?

Some reasons:

* Support
* Customer loyalty
* Collaboration
* Gaining Insights

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Views: 889 | Added by: Maria | Date: 2011-Aug-09 | Comments (0)

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«  August 2011  »
