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Main » 2011 » August » 08

Social networking makes for social recruiting.  Could Facebook soon rival LinkedIn as a job-recruitment tool? A Wall Street Journal article says it could be possible sooner rather than later.

Joe Light wrote, that recruiters troll Facebook for candidates they like :)

More companies are trying to tap Facebook Inc.'s 750-million-plus user base to find new employees, threatening traditional job boards and competing with LinkedIn Corp., which has dominated the online professional networking arena.

Facebook's use as a job-recruitment tool remains small, but its appeal may be growing. Some recruiters say they have all but eliminated their spending on job boards, which can charge a few hundred dollars per job posting, depending on volume. Others note that while LinkedIn contains a more comprehensive résumé database, candidates tend to value referrals from their connections on Facebook more.

Read the full article at
Views: 954 | Added by: Maria | Date: 2011-Aug-08 | Comments (0)

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