Maria Viszoczki - Marketing professional

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Main » 2011 » August » 15

When it comes to online marketing strategies and SEO campaigns, there are still a number of misconceptions that are made in regards to how these strategies work, how much time is needed, what skills are needed and even what to do once you start seeing results.

All too often, people assume that online marketing is something that anyone can do, and by failing to understand exactly how much work, skill and experience goes in to every project, you run the risk of missing out on excellent results that can be enjoyed when an effective online marketing strategy is implemented properly.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions surrounding the world of online marketing:

1. All you need for success is a good product
2. Online marketing is quick and easy
3. You don't need to spend money on online marketing
4. Anyone can do online marketing
5. Your site is ranking at last and now you can relax

Read full article: Networth Media
Views: 1960 | Added by: Maria | Date: 2011-Aug-15 | Comments (0)

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